How does coaching work?

Life coaching begins by helping you identify and clarify what you want to change or improve in your life. Your life coach will then work with you to accomplish these changes through co-creating strategies for change; building on momentum through practice; and helping you stay focused and accountable until the changes are integrated and sustained.

What can I expect from coaching?

You can expect to have a session that is completely focused on you. We will start by finding out where you are in the moment, and what is most pressing to focus on. The session will follow a flow; if things need to be turned in a different direction, they will be. It is organic and happens in real time. It has structure and purpose, but it’s not set in stone. What you might initially come in with may not be the thing we end up needing to explore. I go where I feel it will be most effective to you and your goals. The session will always be geared to serve you best.

What does the breathing session entail?
  • Environment: The office is a very calm, relaxing, and inviting space. I often hear how peaceful and at ease people feel after a few minutes of being there. Any anxiety they might have had is soon removed. The room will be softly lit, and I have a heated pad and blankets to make sure you are comfortable during our time together. I also serve tea and water.
  • Clothing: Please wear comfortable clothing—workout clothes, nothing too bulky or restrictive around the neck. During a session it is not uncommon to become chilly or hot as you unlock blockages in the body. You might want to wear layers to accommodate the changes. I provide a warm heating pad and have blankets to add warmth and comfort during the session, if needed
  • Eating: Please don’t eat a large meal before your session. This is a special type of breathing; it is more active, so having too much food in your system can be distracting and uncomfortable.
  • Snack: Please bring a snack. It is not uncommon to feel hungry or need some nourishment after a session. I provide water and tea.
  • Working Out: Most of us have learned to breathe shallow, so this type of special breathing can feel more like a workout in the beginning. Everyone responds differently, but I recommend you don’t work out right before or after the first few sessions.
  • Transition Time: I set up the session to allow some time after you finish breathing to transition you from the amazing experience you’ve just had to the rest of your day. In addition, I advise you to allow yourself some extra time between your breathing session and your next appointment. Each session is unique. You may feel totally energized and more vibrant and alive than you have in a while, or you may feel really relaxed like you would after a great massage. You are treating yourself to an incredible gift. It feels good to savor the nourishing feeling instead of racing out the door for a meeting or appointment.
  • Makeup: It is not uncommon to have some emotion released during the session, whether it is tears of sadness or tears of joy. If you have a meeting or an appointment following the session, you might want to bring your makeup (if you wear any) for touch ups.
What can I expect after a breath session?
  • Session: No two sessions will be exactly alike. My clients are always surprised by how that happens. Like an onion, at each session you are peeling back another layer. That could range from having the deepest relaxing meditation to feeling the most energized and alive in a while. You may reveal parts of you that have been forgotten along the way and are craving to be rediscovered. Whatever emerges is unique to you—what your body and mind are ready for.
  • After the Session: Just like any type of healing work, the effects and gifts you receive from each session are not just contained in that one session. The results will follow you into your life and continue to have a ripple effect beyond the time we spend together. For example, you could leave the session feeling energized and awesome, but the next day feel some sadness from a past experience that you thought you had already released. Or you could feel a bit sleepy and super-relaxed right after the session, then later feel clear and focused.
How often should breath work be done?

In my experience, I have found that frequent sessions in the beginning will allow you to build on each one, thus getting you closer to feeling how you want to feel. Anything we want to enhance, shift, or change takes more than one shot to make it happen. Getting a leaner body doesn’t magically happen in one workout; it takes time to create the outcome you desire.

Conscious breathing is similar; the more you do it, the more you will notice a change in how you feel and how you experience life. I know from experience that one session will have an incredible impact, but consecutive sessions will create more lasting changes.

What is a typical coaching session like?

The initial session will last 90 minutes, allowing us to be clear on why we are meeting and if we are a match for creating the outcomes you desire. It will take place in my office in Darien, or by phone or Skype if you live too far away.  Once we have decided to work together, the sessions will last an hour and can range from meeting in the office, by phone, Skype, or an outside location. It depends on who I am working with and what I feel is the best space to allow the client to go deep and explore.

Do you have a cancellation policy?

If you cancel less than 24 hours before your appointment, you will be responsible for the session fee. If the cancellation is due to an emergency or illness within that window, I’m happy to transfer the payment to another time. If cancellation becomes a pattern, we will set up time to discuss whether this is the best time for you to commit to this type of work.

What is the payment arrangement?

You will be responsible for payment prior to the session or just before the session begins. I do this for two reasons. First, it commits us to taking the time seriously. Second, money can bring up emotions for some people. I like to remove that element at the beginning, so you are able to get the most out of your session.

How do you get started?

For more information about my Stage of Life coaching and Guided Active Breathing, send me an email:

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